どうぞ よろしく。
Sachi: "Oh my god there's a zuchini on the couch...did Angela sleep on the couch?"
Edcool1: SwtstBabyGirl: back
SwtstBabyGirl: craving a popsicle
Edcool1: i got one in my pants
SwtstBabyGirl: lol
Edcool1: thats not charming?
Edcool1: lol
koolaidehurts: No.
koolaidehurts: No it is not.
SwtstBabyGirl: craving a popsicle
Edcool1: i got one in my pants
SwtstBabyGirl: lol
Edcool1: thats not charming?
Edcool1: lol
koolaidehurts: No.
koolaidehurts: No it is not.

No more english! least till next january...
トーム クルズ
Oh yeah they were all over me. Couldn't keep their hands off. Harry is a biter. Draco loves the cock.
I'm working right now? You bet your ass I am.
you just graduated the school of edward, and i'm gonna make you cum laude
These young men know that they will never move to the rich part of town, never will own stocks, never run for office, never be the president, never be a big movie star or a famous athlete. They know this, but they will go to great lengths doing illegal things to have a taste of what it is like to be a rich man.No matter how much money they make, they will never be rich. |
I still love my dad a lot.
アイス ポプシクル を 食べます
Edcool1: did u see the last samurai?
OaKumAi: wait
OaKumAi: what did you think of it?
OaKumAi: really?
OaKumAi: i thought it was awesome
OaKumAi: oh yeah
OaKumAi: its an epic
OaKumAi: of course it should be somewhat
OaKumAi: yeah i was caught up in the romantic epicness of it all to really see it in any kind of bad light
OaKumAi: so its pretty much my favorite movie of all time as of right now
OaKumAi: haha
OaKumAi: i see i see
OaKumAi: but you gotta admit
OaKumAi: that scene where he kicked those four guys' arses
OaKumAi: in the street
OaKumAi: that was pretty cool
OaKumAi: haha yeah i know what you mean
OaKumAi: in the beginning?
OaKumAi: the cg of the cities?
OaKumAi: downtown SF of the 19th century and stuff?
OaKumAi: ok
OaKumAi: yeah
OaKumAi: yes yes
OaKumAi: im glad someone else noticed
OaKumAi: i'd actually pay to watch that movie again
OaKumAi: not full price....matinee price
OaKumAi: naw
OaKumAi: what is it?
OaKumAi: forreals?
OaKumAi: thats right
OaKumAi: mel gibson ... and uhh
OaKumAi: yeah religion
OaKumAi: i think i remember hearing something about that awhile back
OaKumAi: WtF!
OaKumAi: One thousand Japanese martial arts experts were on the payroll, and it shows.
OaKumAi: jeez
OaKumAi: everyone is pretty much agreed that Watanabe was awesome
OaKumAi: naw at one point he was kinda Michael Jackson ish with his one white glove
OaKumAi: lol
OaKumAi: did you have Sammy get you guys in for free?
OaKumAi: LoL i dont think he couldve, its a premiere weekend
OaKumAi: yah
OaKumAi: security was damn tight when we went
OaKumAi: lol
OaKumAi: i think Ken Watanabe might win best supporting actor
OaKumAi: right well
OaKumAi: i think i might go watch it again this weekend
OaKumAi: well anyhows
OaKumAi: i really needa take a piss
OaKumAi: and imma go watch the new battlestar galactica
OaKumAi: so i will ttyl
OaKumAi: cya!
OaKumAi signed off at 8:32:00 PM.
OaKumAi: wait
OaKumAi: what did you think of it?
OaKumAi: really?
OaKumAi: i thought it was awesome
OaKumAi: oh yeah
OaKumAi: its an epic
OaKumAi: of course it should be somewhat
OaKumAi: yeah i was caught up in the romantic epicness of it all to really see it in any kind of bad light
OaKumAi: so its pretty much my favorite movie of all time as of right now
OaKumAi: haha
OaKumAi: i see i see
OaKumAi: but you gotta admit
OaKumAi: that scene where he kicked those four guys' arses
OaKumAi: in the street
OaKumAi: that was pretty cool
OaKumAi: haha yeah i know what you mean
OaKumAi: in the beginning?
OaKumAi: the cg of the cities?
OaKumAi: downtown SF of the 19th century and stuff?
OaKumAi: ok
OaKumAi: yeah
OaKumAi: yes yes
OaKumAi: im glad someone else noticed
OaKumAi: i'd actually pay to watch that movie again
OaKumAi: not full price....matinee price
OaKumAi: naw
OaKumAi: what is it?
OaKumAi: forreals?
OaKumAi: thats right
OaKumAi: mel gibson ... and uhh
OaKumAi: yeah religion
OaKumAi: i think i remember hearing something about that awhile back
OaKumAi: WtF!
OaKumAi: One thousand Japanese martial arts experts were on the payroll, and it shows.
OaKumAi: jeez
OaKumAi: everyone is pretty much agreed that Watanabe was awesome
OaKumAi: naw at one point he was kinda Michael Jackson ish with his one white glove
OaKumAi: lol
OaKumAi: did you have Sammy get you guys in for free?
OaKumAi: LoL i dont think he couldve, its a premiere weekend
OaKumAi: yah
OaKumAi: security was damn tight when we went
OaKumAi: lol
OaKumAi: i think Ken Watanabe might win best supporting actor
OaKumAi: right well
OaKumAi: i think i might go watch it again this weekend
OaKumAi: well anyhows
OaKumAi: i really needa take a piss
OaKumAi: and imma go watch the new battlestar galactica
OaKumAi: so i will ttyl
OaKumAi: cya!
OaKumAi signed off at 8:32:00 PM.
I want someone to google bomb me...
what should I have them do?
Some of this shit be hella funny yo.
Time for more google fun.
Type in "Weapons of mass destruction" then click the "i'm feelin' lucky" button.
Type in "French Military Victories" then click the "I'm feelin lucky" button.
OaKumAi: you wanna see something kinda funny?
OaKumAi: go to www.google.com
Edcool1: ok
OaKumAi: type in "miserable failure"
OaKumAi: then hit "im feeling lucky" button
Edcool1: lol
Edcool1: holy shit
OaKumAi: thats hillarious
OaKumAi: go to www.google.com
Edcool1: ok
OaKumAi: type in "miserable failure"
OaKumAi: then hit "im feeling lucky" button
Edcool1: lol
Edcool1: holy shit
OaKumAi: thats hillarious